
Showing posts from 2017

Born Of The Moon

Click here to See this painting the Priestess Of Creation website Story behind the painting: This painting began with the dark/new moon of 27 January 2017 and was completed on the Full Moon of 11 April 2017. When I was flying back home a day before the Pink Full Moon, this April, I felt the call to paint in my body once again. I had not painted since beginning this piece in January and possibly even thought that it would never be finished. But I was wrong. When I arrived home, the call to paint was so strong, there was nothing else I could do apart from spend the following evening in creative ceremony, under the light of the moon. She needed finishing, there was a message coming. I knew this painting has been created in the energy of the dark moon. In the darkness of experiencing and seeing shadows. So, how was it going to transform to become a container for high energy? White. There was nothing else I could see apart from white, with hints of pink and silve

Testimonials & Online Sessions

I received the most wonderful and comprehensive testimonial today of a beautiful woman's experiece with me in a personal online session/journey with her. 5 years ago I realised I had to reach out and share my journey of empowerment and creation with women ... I didn't know how it would manifest, I simply began following where the scent of inspiration kept leading me ... This feedback makes my heart shine knowing I am inspiring shine in others  <3  Humble and Blessed  <3  Thank y ou Kaylee for your beautiful reflections xx "I would like to express my Gratitude to Hazel for offering me such an open heart warming space to be able to ground myself into present awareness with total ease, acceptance and love. Hazel guided my beautifully into a slow trance of deep feminine meditation.. Connecting me deeper into the center of my Heart, where I could feel my energy guiding further into my womb so that I could sense my connection between my Heart, Womb and the Earth. A