
Showing posts from 2016

The Great Returning - Reunion of Souls

What does it mean to experience the great returning of the Divine Feminine essence into real life, this life, on this planet, in our lifetime? The calling is here for us to rise, in love and heart centred living. All men, women, children, beings and life forces on this planet. We are rising. We are learning. We are reclaiming, re-instincting, and saying 'Yes' to the golden essence of our lives. But what does this mean to experience this as a collective energy? And what does it look like, feel like and how can we use these powerful forces that we are reclaiming as women to excellerate the bringing forth of the New Paradigm? Where the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies bring a wave of healing like we have never experinced before, bring a wave of deeper opening into the innate and once lost wisdom of the feminine essence, the magic, the immense power that is so strong we can no longer deny or hide it. What hapens then? Every single being right now is having News

Art News From The Heart Hazel Evans Art It was some time ago that I saw this connection in my name and my work ... and finally as I prepare to update everyone with an epic encounter of where I am at, what I have been up to and what is coming - It felt like some expression of wanted to come out in the form of a logo - so here it is. I am looking forward to diving in deeper into this period of manifestation, realisation and creation - I am really enjoying the unfolding of my art connecting with authentic expressions of truth from heart centred living as my workshop and sharing platform Priestess Of Creation is evolving.  In upcoming news there will be updates about latest commissions, books, workshops, music and 2017 projects. You can sign up for the news letter here Catch ya later - in the mean time keep finding more ways to bring heart centred living into your life ... how can you love yourself and others more today?  Hx

A House Of Light

I have been asked to create a new performative installation for a themed event 'A House Of Light', seriously how perfect is that!  Light = Luminous, shining, radiant, lumiere, bright, enlighten House = home, residence, heart, castle, temple, vessel So I allowed inspiration to come flowing in and this is what appeared. Here is the promotional illustration for my piece. This is part of a series of perfomative installation experiences from an ongoing collection of Hazel's work that is concerned with the interplay between our inner and outer world's. Behold the mystery of The Observationarium, a portal to the pure creation of yourself, your source of inspiration and illumination. Come inside and sit with The Oracle Lady to shine a light on the perfection of yourself and find your house of light within. You may catch her telling a spontaneous story, legend or tale of creative wisdom, offering you one of her oracle cards, or simply sitting in silence

Rising Of The Divine Feminine Art

This week I have felt inspiration from deep within to paint once again. Usually my professional work as artist involves illustration, writing and performance, yet I have indeed always painted, from time to time. Since reviewing my archives of art work and observing my inner evolution as part of creating 'Priestess of Creation' website, I see how painting for me has always been a portal to see myself. I see the power of this as a tool. There is no need to feel I need to sell any of the pieces, for anyone to like it, or to mass produce 'the good ones'. All that seems irrelevant as I dive into the wisdom of my soul voice emerging in shapes, forms and colours as the painting becomes a soul portal. So, a few days ago I responded to the images stirring inside of me. I bought a large canvas, put on the music, felt my body, opened my energy channels, engaged the connection into my hands and touched the blank canvas with my heart. For many many years I painted in blue w

Sacred Source Art

An Inspired Journey Through The Yoni And Into The Womb Ooooh... I had such a wonderful at the Hieros Gamos Festival last week and honoured to be welcomed as a workshop leader, for women as well as a dance ritual with my partner for men and women. It is so wonderful to start sharing my offerings with women in Holland...  and indeed I am feeling the need to understand Dutch more! It was such a powerful festival, and as always, a very energising experience for myself to hold sacred space for women - love it - I have been on such a long journey to reclaiming my true essence and am so humbled to be able to share with others now. In this workshop, we journeyed ecstatically together into the cosmic realms of our wombs to receive the gifts of our body wisdom and translated our journey through the Yonic gateway into art with the touch of our golden fingers! Body wisdom is so powerful and I believe everyone can learn how to raise their awareness of this power we hold within, become in


< It's so good to be back in England and getting things done. New art projects started, new commissions on the way, end of illuminated public art finally delivered, and also very excitingly the re-working of something to bring into new form .... ooh exciting times ahead. I'm also very pleased to say that I have finally started figuring out what my workshops/courses would look like that support my art practice... of course I do many workshops that support specific p rojects but this will be a bit different so I look forward to launching that soon... ...And most importantly this morning .. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has been part of my art career/projects/work so far, (Of course I believe it began as soon as I took my first breath here on this planet! But...) especially within the last 6 years. From that pivotal moment I woke up one morning and asked myself what would I regret not doing if I were to die today - "Making art in my kind of way"

Dances With Waters

Moving through so many motions right now. Communication.  Life is changing and I am learning to really acknowledge my body wisdom and emotions as signals that there is something to learn and change. When the energy needs moving - exercise is the best way ... I am also learning to activate myself more as I have recently lost good habits of Body Love, so I am bringing this back into my living experience once again. One of my favourite ways of coming back into myself is dancing on the beach. It often starts by setting out going for a run, and somehow the mysteries of the water draw me closer to the edge and invite me to dance, move and make a visual. I release all fear or inhibition of 'who is watching me' - I sink into the movement that the music brings me, guiding me into a ritual of inner wisdom and connection with m higher self. I melt. I disappear into the water, into the sand, into the sky. I am shown what I am working with and what I need to work through. Energy vibrate

Spiralling Together

About a year ago, upon waking one morning, I had such a strong vision I jumped out of bed and grabbed my paper and pencil. She came to me. 'Earth Heart Lady' I called her. At the time I was creating a Goddess Wheel along side my Training as Priestess of Love and Sacred Sexuality. I was surprised that this lady came during process and I was not sure where she fitted in the wheel, and in fact she didn't. Now I know why! I have been waiting to see if her presence would develop into a collection of other divine feminine illustrations, yet now I realise she is the one and all Goddess of Creation. She gives birth to the Earth with flowing waters, divine creation, delivered on soul wings with love, abundance and inspiration. She has lent herself to several creative expressions over the last year; one of my Priestess sisters was so inspired by this image, she had her tattooed on her wrist - what an honour, it was the first time someone has had my art permanently adorning

Air of Soul Inspiration

When I created the Sacred Source Wheel of Rhiannon - The Wheel of love and Sacred Sexuality I began with the Water element, then I was drawn to creating the Air element. I realise the significance of this as I realise how everything is taking place in alignment with the Goddess of Creation and my pure divine essence as artist and creator. I am born under the sign of Piscis and therefore am naturally drawn to the depths of the water and wisdom of the deep wide ocean. Yet over the last years have been surprised at my call to the presence of the air, as now I recall my dancing as eagle so many times in intuitive dance sessions.  I see her ancestral wisdom, her flight of the ages and she is present with me as I observe myself in acknowledging my heritage and my presence.   It is this illustration of the Air (below) that I have always chosen to put on my wall, in the car and on my alter. I feel the presence of deep wisdom, the space for re-birthing myself time and time again, th