
Showing posts from May, 2016

Spiralling Together

About a year ago, upon waking one morning, I had such a strong vision I jumped out of bed and grabbed my paper and pencil. She came to me. 'Earth Heart Lady' I called her. At the time I was creating a Goddess Wheel along side my Training as Priestess of Love and Sacred Sexuality. I was surprised that this lady came during process and I was not sure where she fitted in the wheel, and in fact she didn't. Now I know why! I have been waiting to see if her presence would develop into a collection of other divine feminine illustrations, yet now I realise she is the one and all Goddess of Creation. She gives birth to the Earth with flowing waters, divine creation, delivered on soul wings with love, abundance and inspiration. She has lent herself to several creative expressions over the last year; one of my Priestess sisters was so inspired by this image, she had her tattooed on her wrist - what an honour, it was the first time someone has had my art permanently adorning

Air of Soul Inspiration

When I created the Sacred Source Wheel of Rhiannon - The Wheel of love and Sacred Sexuality I began with the Water element, then I was drawn to creating the Air element. I realise the significance of this as I realise how everything is taking place in alignment with the Goddess of Creation and my pure divine essence as artist and creator. I am born under the sign of Piscis and therefore am naturally drawn to the depths of the water and wisdom of the deep wide ocean. Yet over the last years have been surprised at my call to the presence of the air, as now I recall my dancing as eagle so many times in intuitive dance sessions.  I see her ancestral wisdom, her flight of the ages and she is present with me as I observe myself in acknowledging my heritage and my presence.   It is this illustration of the Air (below) that I have always chosen to put on my wall, in the car and on my alter. I feel the presence of deep wisdom, the space for re-birthing myself time and time again, th