
Showing posts from April, 2017

Born Of The Moon

Click here to See this painting the Priestess Of Creation website Story behind the painting: This painting began with the dark/new moon of 27 January 2017 and was completed on the Full Moon of 11 April 2017. When I was flying back home a day before the Pink Full Moon, this April, I felt the call to paint in my body once again. I had not painted since beginning this piece in January and possibly even thought that it would never be finished. But I was wrong. When I arrived home, the call to paint was so strong, there was nothing else I could do apart from spend the following evening in creative ceremony, under the light of the moon. She needed finishing, there was a message coming. I knew this painting has been created in the energy of the dark moon. In the darkness of experiencing and seeing shadows. So, how was it going to transform to become a container for high energy? White. There was nothing else I could see apart from white, with hints of pink and silve