Spiralling Together

About a year ago, upon waking one morning, I had such a strong vision I jumped out of bed and grabbed my paper and pencil. She came to me. 'Earth Heart Lady' I called her.

At the time I was creating a Goddess Wheel along side my Training as Priestess of Love and Sacred Sexuality. I was surprised that this lady came during process and I was not sure where she fitted in the wheel, and in fact she didn't. Now I know why!

I have been waiting to see if her presence would develop into a collection of other divine feminine illustrations, yet now I realise she is the one and all Goddess of Creation. She gives birth to the Earth with flowing waters, divine creation, delivered on soul wings with love, abundance and inspiration.

She has lent herself to several creative expressions over the last year; one of my Priestess sisters was so inspired by this image, she had her tattooed on her wrist - what an honour, it was the first time someone has had my art permanently adorning them. Then recently it felt right to lend her to the face of a new Red Tent I am co-creating in setting up.

For some time now, I have been evaluating how to fuse my work as an artist together with my spiritual Priestess practices of the divine feminine and my desire to work with women. This has been over 5 years in the making so far since seeds of this were first sewn and now finally it seems as if these great oceans are meeting in magnificent swells of inspiration for the arrival of Priestess of Creation.

More details will come soon as to my plans for this and needless to say I am very excited and humbled as I am given insight into this path. I will be able to share my journey of creation and self-re-creation as a pathway for others to return to their true selves by experiencing themselves through their own wisdom and artistic expressions. For more about my art see here www.hazelevans.co.uk

And so, it has become very clear that the Earth Heart Goddess who came to me a year ago is indeed the Goddess of Creation, so I am delighted to form her into a mandala which will guide the course forward as I step forward into the path to dedicate myself fully in service as Priestess of Creation.

As I launch my website, I will be also sharing my own personal journey of creation (artistic creation from the soul as well as my process of self-recreation) as I now find myself standing in a place where I can observe my pilgrimage back to heart centred living that has taken me 40 years already and in particular the last 10 years since opening Pandora's Box to my soul ... There really has been no going back!

So it is with honour and love that I present the first Mandala Goddess Wheel for the Goddess of Creation. Blessed Be xxx



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