Sacred Source Art

An Inspired Journey Through The Yoni And Into The Womb

Ooooh... I had such a wonderful at the Hieros Gamos Festival last week and honoured to be welcomed as a workshop leader, for women as well as a dance ritual with my partner for men and women. It is so wonderful to start sharing my offerings with women in Holland...  and indeed I am feeling the need to understand Dutch more!

It was such a powerful festival, and as always, a very energising experience for myself to hold sacred space for women - love it - I have been on such a long journey to reclaiming my true essence and am so humbled to be able to share with others now.

In this workshop, we journeyed ecstatically together into the cosmic realms of our wombs to receive the gifts of our body wisdom and translated our journey through the Yonic gateway into art with the touch of our golden fingers!

Body wisdom is so powerful and I believe everyone can learn how to raise their awareness of this power we hold within, become in tune with our vibration and what it can communicate to us as part of re-insticting ourselves back to who we really are ... returning to our soul path, finding ourselves, becoming our own intuitive guide ... or however one chooses to describe or experience it. With Priestess of Creation, I offer ways to really experience the recreation of ourselves as we creatively explore our inner and outer landscapes as sacred sexual woman, vessel of light and love, to bring joy to our lives as we come home to who really are, in embodiment of our divine feminine.

So much love to you all ... This is what we did at the festival:

Visually and energetically explore the realms of your sacred Yonic gateway through artistic expression. We will journey into the sacred source of the Yoni and womb spaces to unleash our creative flow, expressing ourselves with colours on paper, translating our inner wisdom as we journey with meditation and movement. This workshop focuses on feeling our sacred source as women and enlivening the base and sacral chakras to promote ecstatic living and self love.

Become and awaken to who you are already. I am passionate about creating space for women to truly experience themselves. To deepen the experience of our love vibration as women, our body as temple and gateway of wisdom. Our bodies transport us through our journey hazel 2of life and holds great power and wisdom. We are a vessel of love, vitality, creative and sexual energy and this is something to explore and celebrate to cultivate ecstatic living in line with our soul.

As Priestess of Love and Sacred Sexuality, artist, writer and performer, Hazel invokes a beautiful space and carefully woven experience for you. With a diverse creative and spiritual background Hazel presents workshops and courses, which are designed to expand and nurture the love space within so you radiate it outwards in everyday life.

To book workshops, courses and 1-to-1 sessions with Hazel Contact her here


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